CaManSys NW Clash Management Add-in

Configure Project - Navisworks

After the Clash Reports are generated for the first time, the project needs to be configured.

  1. Click the Configure button on the CMS Tools tab.
  2. Use the form to configure the project
    1. Folders
      1. Fill in the Project Folder
      2. Select the location for the Clash Tests
    2. Clash Report Settings
      If your Clash File names have a Common prefix, and or Suffix, they can be defined here.

      Model Name: PIP-01-1000-01-01
      Prefix = A<AREACODE>_
      Suffix = _<DISCCODE>
      Clash Report File Name = A01_Piping_PIP.xml

      This allows the Clash Test list to be limited to the actual discipline, instead of the Clash Report File name.
      1. Define the Clash Report Prefix, optional
      2. Define the Clash Report Suffix, optional
      3. Clash Report Names
        Enter the Clash Test Names, by Discipline.  Using the optional Prefix, and Suffix  they should match the xml files in the Clash Results Folder.
    3. Define Project Settings
      Use Regular Expressions and Fields to define the formats
      1. Enter the delimiter used in the Model name, if required
      2. Enter the Area Format
      3. Enter the Model Name Format
    4. Highlight Colors
      The default colors are the standard Navisworks Colors (Red for Clash Member 1, Green for Clash Member 2)
      1. Define the object colors for highlighting the clash objects.
    5. Fields

      Define custom fields that build the file name and folders.  Fields are essentially place holders that are replaced with the corresponding values in the model name.
    6. Disciplines

      Map your company's Discipline Codes to the Clash Test Name.  This limits the Clash Test dropdown list to display only clash tests with the current model discipline in the clash test Name.

      Model Name: PIP-01-1000-01-01


Model Name: PIP-01-1000-01-01

<DISCCODE> = Piping

Clash Report Folder = O:\cadd\Calgary Oil Sands\COS160501\Walkthrough\ClashReports\A01

Save Clash Reports

Display Clash Management Panel - AutoCAD